Bengal Cats
Bengal cats have a very nice personality.
They are very devoted to the owner and
are in strike contrast to your ordinary
aloof cats. Bengal cats always want to
be the center of attention. They are where
the action is. However this particular
personality trait puts a toll on their
owners. You need to give back to them
this devotion and love. In this respect
the personality of Bengal cats is very
similar to dogs. They possess the
loyalty, love and devotion to their owners
as dogs do. I can even go as far as to
claim that Bengals are a dog lover's cat.
Why? Because rarely do you find a cat
breed that follows you around, likes playing,
is not aloof and can even be trained to
do tricks. Yes, Bengals can be trained
to do tricks for an example just type
"Amazing Cat Tricks by Kaiser the
Bengal" in your search and watch
a video of some impressive tricks performed
by this cat.
If you have kids teach them to respect
the freedom of your Bengal and not to
constrain the cat. They like to play and
be around your family members. They will
also treat kids nicely if handled properly.
Bengal Kitten Characteristics
Another unusual personality trait that Bengal
cats have is their affinity for water. Bengals
are hydrophilic or water-loving. Although
this personality trait may not necessarily
apply to all Bengals it is still wide spread
enough to be considered a general trait
of this breed. What does this mean for an
ordinary person? It means you need to watch
out when you take a shower or a bath since
your cat may suddenly join you. They are
distracted by running water and usually
come over to investigate the source of it.
They like playing with running water and
can make a mess out of drinking bowl. That's
why sometimes it is wise to purchase drinking
fountains to avoid them messing around with
drinking bowls. However for cat owners this
is rarely a problem or a hassle. In fact
often it is very amusing and entertaining
to watch your cat paw at a kitchen tub or
trying to catch the shower water.
Bengal cats have an excellent personality
but they are definitely not for everyone.
They require an active and loving family
that can give them the attention and love
that they require. They will be fine with
children providing that their movement
and freedom will not be constrained by
kids constantly hugging and cuddling them.
They have some unique personality traits
that avid pet lovers will definitely want
to explore. Some will love to teach their
Bengal a few tricks. Others will amuse
themselves while watching their cat trying
to walk on a pool cover or watch it play
in the kitchen sink. If you are looking
for more info on Bengal cat personality
please visit my Bengal Cat website.
Bengal Kitten Resouce and References
The author By John E. Eagle
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