to Kitten Articles
Why Do Kittens Knead
Cat's often knead soft areas on your body
such as your stomach or thigh. It replicates the action
they do as a kitten to their mother when they are trying
to stimulate the "let down" reflex when they
are suckling milk. They carry over this instinctual behaviour
in to adulthood and they use it to show affection. You'll
find that this kneading action is often accompanied with
purring and its a good indication that your cat is happy.
Some cat's can't help but drool when they're kneading
and purring, so be prepared to get slobbered on.
have also read that this kneading happens because as kittens
they are taken away from their mothers too early. I don't
think this is necessarily true. If a kitten is taken away
from their mother too early their could be development
issues, but I don't think it's fair to look at an action
such as kneading and decide that it's a reaction to early
separation. I have a big extended family and nearly everyone
of them has at least 2 cats, all from different litters,
each of these cats show this type of behaviour and I don't
think that explanation holds true.
Cats Knead or pummel as a sign of affection, it's your
cats way of telling you that you are well loved and accepted
as foster mum or dad. This kneading behaviour also also
known as "making biscuits", "making Bread"
and "marching". I think it's also referred to
marching because a cat may knead the ground while you're
in the process of dishing out their food.
Cats also do this kneading action when they are relaxed
and you might find that your cat does this to you when
you are stressed in order to relax you too.
The intensity of the kneading will differ from cat to
cat, some are gentle, not really putting any weight onto
their front paw as they knead you, using quick and light
strokes, others will user longer strokes and possibly
stretch out their claws, so if your cat is an intense
kneader it's a good idea to get their claws trimmed regularly.
Cats may also knead other things apart from humans such
as towels, beds, clothes, generally anything soft. If
you find them doing this they they're not really showing
affection to the object they're kneading. They're either
trying to make it comfier as they're about to make it
their bed (whether you like it or not) or they're comforting
NOTE: This article is for information only. See your
veterinarian for medical advice
You can find more information about cats such as how to
keep them healthy over at Cat Party [].
Here you will also find quirky cat products []
to enrich the lives of your cats
Kitten Photo: By Nicolas Suzor from Brisbane, Australia
(Kittens! Uploaded by Kaldari) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (],
via Wikimedia Commons
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