to Kitten Articles
New Kitten Safety
Cat lovers already know that they enjoying a purring,
happy kitten in their lap, more than the company of a
cat who just stares at you like you have two heads, but
your kittens safety is vary important as well. Kittens
love to explore, and giving them safe ways to do this
inside is wonderful. Try hiding favorite cat toys, such
as a crinkly ball inside a cat tunnel and for even more
excitement, try dangling a cat wand at one end when kitten
is inside the tunnel. Kittens are naturally attracted
to movements and sounds that trigger their instinct to
stalk prey. Cats are often most active in the early morning
and early evening. Exercise and vigorous playing can help
get rid of excess energy and keep your kitten calmer for
the remainder of the day. Take time out from your day
to spend time playing with your kitten. Kittens don't
like sharp sounds like those that come from a squeaky
toy. Save the squeaky toys for the dogs and get your cat
a catnip mouse instead. Cats are perfectly happy as inside
pets so long as you provide them with enough toys and
attention. If you're away from home for long period, you
might consider having two kittens for company.
Cats will swallow ribbon or string, which will not pass.
It will require surgical removal. Tie up traverse rod
cords and pleated shade cords; you must keep these out
of a reach, for your kitten safety. Cat's teeth, like
our own, are susceptible to cavities and tartar so regular
oral hygiene is essential to keep them clean. Cats will
climb and then try to defy gravity all the time, and we
get to enjoy it when gravity wins. They need something
tall and sturdy like a scratching post so that they can
scratch on it, and not the furniture. Cats are reluctant
to use a litter pan that is too close to the cat's food
so you must keep them far enough apart. When you get a
new kitten or even an older cat go slow, don't rush it.
Let your new cat come to you in its own time.
Cats scratch to mark their territory, not to just to
sharpen their claws. When your kitten
doesn't have the ability to use this marking behavior
because you have had them declawed, they may find it
necessary to mark their territory with urine and feces
instead. Cats are well known for their bed hogging abilities.
They can have you clinging to the outer edge of your
bed while they are comfortably sprawled out, full length
occupying nine tenths of the bed. We know this to be
true even in our own household. When the cat takes a
nap "don't crowd me" is the command!
For kitten safety, kittens generally do not overeat,
so food should be made available at all times. There
are automatic cat feeders that keep your kitten's food
fresh and water fountains to keep water fresh as well.
Always be sure to feed your kitten a good quality kitten
food. Cats are carnivorous and they become mature at
around seven to eight months old. Before this time their
protein requirements are higher and the protein should
be of animal origin. If you have children, the litter
pan will need to be placed in a place that your children
can't get to, but the kitten can have access easily.
Cats can teach child compassion and caring, and provide
companionship. However, before you bring a kitten or
even an older cat into your home, consider your lifestyle
and expectations. Then go out and choose the pet accordingly.
A kitten will be a wonderful and amazing pet, and bring
hours of delight for the children, as well as the adults.
Grooming your kitten encourages a healthy shine on
his fur and keeps him looking sleek and healthy. As
with all good habits, it's sensible to establish good
grooming early on, so it becomes a normal part of your
kitten's life. Groom them regularly for your kitten
safety please follow your vet's instructions carefully
when it comes to worming and other treatments. For your
kitten safety anything found on the floor becomes a
toy, so keep floor areas clear of things that may hurt
them or that they can swallow. You may want to have
a yard stick so that when she bats it away you will
be able to retrieve your lost items from under the refrigerator,
stove, and furniture. Special note: don't know why,
but anything that can be pushed off a flat smooth surface
probably will be, so place your breakables high up where
kitty can't get them or in a closed cabinet or closet.
Remember these guys just love a challenge!
You're vet is always ready to answer any questions
about caring of your kitten safety. Please feel free
to bring a list with you or call at any time. Remember
it is the behavior you dislike, not the cat, so don't
simply rush to give your cat up for adoption if they
are being troublesome to you. Most aggressive problems
in cats have very simple fixes that with a little time
and energy can help your cat be the sweet, lovable pet
you want.
NOTE: This article is for information only. See your
veterinarian for medical advice.
About the author: D.J.C. We plan to post articles that
are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having
been "owned" by cats for years, we know they
can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and
fun. Visit our website for products your cat may enjoy
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