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How to Take Care of a Kitten

Raising a kitten correctly ensures that it will grow up to be a strong, healthy, and active cat, who will bring years of joy and affection into your life. The following steps will show you how to take care of a kitten.

By 10-12 weeks kittens should be fully weaned and ready to leave their mother. Remember that this is a very stressful time for your pet. Transport your kitten to its new home using a cat carrier lined with a blanket or towel. If the kitten is especially frightened, try confining it to a single room for the first few days, allowing to get accustomed to its new surroundings and gain in confidence. Introduce your kitten slowly to other family members and pets.

If possible, find out which brand of food the breeder has been feeding the kitten - a sudden change in diet can result in an upset stomach. Changing the variety of food should be done gradually, with a small amount of the new food mixed in with the old. Always use high-quality kitten food. Give your kitten access to both wet and dry food - both types have nutritional benefits. As well as food, a kitten needs constant access to fresh, clean water. Do not give your cat cow's milk. If you wish to give milk, then use one formulated specially for cats.

Kittens can be trained to use a litterbox from as early as 4 weeks. Cats enjoy privacy when using their litterbox, so locate it somewhere quiet, away from high-traffic areas. There are numerous variety of litter types available. If possible, match the kind of litter used by the breeder. This will help the kitten settle in and avoid any unnecessary accidents.

A cat bed is not essential but most kittens will like having a place that they feel is their own. Like all young animals, kittens will sleep for a lot of the time. A great variety of styles of bed are available but it is recommended that the bed be fully washable so that you can keep it clean.

Grooming your kitten with a brush or comb can begin as soon as you bring it home. Regular handling like this will help your kitten get used to human contact.

Visiting the veterinarian is an important part of how to take care of a kitten. An initial exam can be carried out as early as 8 weeks. The veterinarian should vaccinate your kitten against Feline respiratory disease and Feline Infectious Enteritis. A kitten should never be allowed outside until it has received these vaccinations. Prior to reaching sexual maturity, your kitten should be neutered. Beyond this, yearly check-ups are recommended to keep your cat healthy.

Play with your kitten every day. Their are a myriad of toys available, but you'll soon find out which types your kitten enjoys best. House cats are social animals and daily exercise will help your kitten stay fit and happy.

NOTE: This article is for information only. See your veterinarian for medical advice.

About the author: Rutchell Laquihon

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